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Second Opinion

It's the end of the beginning of your week, and Hillary Clinton has begun her assault on Donald Trump's business record. Meanwhile, the Iraqi city of Fallujah is once again under attack by coalition forces.
To wrap up your workweek, the White House was put on lockdown after a reported shooting nearby. And in other gun news, Donald Trump secured the NRA's endorsement.
To wrap up your Thursday, some big names are implicated in a splashy insider trading case, and Uber's self-driving cars are cruising the streets of the Steel City.
To wrap up your Wednesday, LinkedIn is re-investigating a 2012 data breach following indications the hack might have been much larger than it seemed. And Charter Communications completed its acquisition of Time Warner Cable, creating a broadband leviathan.
To wrap up your Tuesday, BlackRock's leader is worried about China, while in the U.S. Obamacare appears to be working, at least by one measure.
To wrap up your Monday, the Treasury Department finally spilled the beans on Saudi Arabia's ownership of U.S. debt. Google unveiled a new sharing feature, and Facebook moved to confront its competitor even more directly.
Big news at the end of the week on the self-driving car front for Apple and BMW. Meanwhile Swift has been hacked again, and Pfizer is taking a stand against the death penalty.
To wrap up your Thursday, Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff lost power, at least temporarily, while France's François Hollande survived a vote of no-confidence. Meanwhile, Obamacare suffered a setback in federal court.
To wrap up your Wednesday, Google plays the do-gooder by banning ads from predatory lenders, but the FTC is once again asking questions about possible antitrust violations. Meanwhile regulators on both sides of the Atlantic are cracking down on mergers between competitors.
Big news in tech this Tuesday, as HP announced a new venture arm that will invest in a range of technologies, and Amazon launched its YouTube killer platform, Video Direct.

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