Home Authors Posts by Jonathan Marino

Jonathan Marino

Here's how you start your Friday morning--with great news for comedy fans, good advice... and JOURNEY. Tune into the First Read, and rock out.
News from this week was big--major funding announcements, a big investigation and even bigger news, it seems, for job seekers!
The results are in--so who are the big winners & losers among listed LBO shops? peHUB tracks the earnings calls.
Kicking it off Friday, we've got reasons to check the sushi, making sense of LivingSocial, and why it's OK to look at the sun.
Two years after Sun Capital Partners' minority investment, and less than a year after major executive turnover in its ranks, the Scooter Store is in hot water as investigators conduct a Medicare fraud probe.
Every year, trade rags like peHUB are inundated with a boatload of private equity studies, venture capital surveys, statistical reports and analytical whatzits. Rather than take ‘em all on, this year the Hub decided to make private equity survey casserole—which is sanguine in big chunks, but perhaps a little less tasty for the middle market.
This past week at peHUB, we had big news on personnel moves, fundraisings and guest columnists for our readers--check out the hits!
Leaning into the long weekend, we've got the big hoops upset pick, electric cars and the NYT/Tesla debate raging on. See you Tuesday!
Oaktree Capital Group reported positive earnings Thursday on the strength of record quarterly revenue and distribution. The Los Angeles-based investment firm, which went public in 2012, saw its stock jump by more than a percent on an otherwise tepid day for Wall St.
It doesn't take long after an LBO or a strategic deal is announced these days before a herd of would-be Sol Goodmans emerge from the woodwork, shareholder class lawsuits in hand, demanding a higher price. Usually they’re just brushed off, occasionally quietly paid to settle, but it is rare...

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